Monday, January 24, 2011

I just went on one crazy ass ride and SURVIVED!!

Holy smokes did this past week actually just happen?  Some much has gone on over the past several days that it is a wonder I am still STANDING!  One thing is deeply personal and I will not blog about it.  Afterall, we all deserve some secrets.  Then my 8 year old Silky Terrier, Rudy was near death Friday, and luckily we got to bring him home. So here it is Monday, and I have gotten a burst of pure energy today and have gone crazy REALLY cleaning.  Deep cleaning! 

I am noticing clutter that is cluttering my life!  So while cleaning up my home, I am also cleaning out my home.  I have come to realize that I can not keep piling stuff up.....I will never get anything accomplished.  Oh, the life of a ADHD'er.  So, after buying this piece(Vintage <3), 
and not being able to figure out what to do with it initially.  This was the piece that said ok, enough is enough.  (I finally decided it would be my portable sewing table!!!!)  Which I need because I will be making new window treatments for three rooms.  Living room, den(computer room) and the kitchen.  Speaking of window treatments you know you can cover a roller shade!!!!  Well I have found this vintage wall paper for $1.00 that has some damange on one side, anyway the wheels start spinning in my head and then it clicks.  Use the vintage wallpaper to create a really cool looking roller shade.  I will hopefully make it this week and will show the result once it is completed! I am excited about this!   But until then, here is the wallpaper! 

One day, one project at a time.  I finally found and bought a new living room sofa.  The other one was UGLY and very uncomfortable so it had to go.  I watched Craigslist and always toured my favorite resale/thrift places and bam I found it!!!  Guess where from?!  Goodwill for freaking $40.00!!!!  I couldn't believe it!

No stains, no rips or tears, no apparent smell, no pet hair.  It is comfortable and perfect for me!  I have changed furniture quite a few times in the short period we have lived in this house.  I change furniture the way I change my mind about decorating.  So I love buying used furniture and revamping it to suit my needs for the time being.  I usually end up reselling the items once I get tired of them and usually make money!  : ). 

Now an update on my battle with weight.  I am happy to announce that I have not caved, with all the stress of the past week!!!! Yippee!  Initially the scales said I lost 5lbs, now they say I have lost 2lbs.  And you know what?  I am happy.  Yes HAPPY!!!!  Why would I be happy over 2lbs?  Ok look, I would like to lose more but considering what all has taken place it is a wonder I haven't eaten the house and purged on junk food to soothe my feelings.   This time was different.  I didn't soothe my feeling with food.  My feelings were spoken and the moment was felt and battled then.  I didn't hold it in or back, I just let it out.  Don't think I didn't want to at times, I did. I reminded myself, food isn't my friend, my comfort.  It is to provide and sustain life.   So that is a wonderful feeling to have some control over that!!!!  I still have not been released medically so I am still not able to do any excerise that involves my feet and really shouldn't be doing what I am doing now! 

I am going to continue to keep myself busy, so busy that food once again becomes what it should have been all along!  I looking forward to my new decorating and new outlook!!!! 

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