Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Oh! These are the Woes of a Social Network

indelicate, indecent, obscene, or vulgar: gross remarks.lacking in refinement, good manners, education, etc.; unrefined. of or concerning only the broadest or most general considerations, aspects, etc. Slang . extremely objectionable, offensive, or disgusting shameful, outrageous, heinous, grievous.

Wow, when reading these definitions my feathers begin to ruffle!  I am trying really Not to allow this meanless person to control how I will fill the rest of the day.  But for some reason I gave them a pedestal and their words hurt me.  Why do I value ANYTHING this person says?  I don't know if it is value or just initial respect.  You see this person has a profession that requires them to take care of other human beings.  Given that profession and what they have been through in their own life I just ASSUMED, fuck I don't know what I ASSUMED. 

Does that make any sense?  That I would just put her at a higher standard because of her damn profession?   I think, deep down most of us do, or I am just one screwed up individual in how I place value on certain people!  I mean this is a person that hears some people's most intimate medical secrets, for god sakes! 
Ok, now that I have spoken and my subconscious has type out it's thoughts, on to the rest of the story.

Her comment about me, well it just floored me! I honestly thought that she would have at least addressed me personally even if on my wall, but for me to read it as her status!  OMG!!!!  I- seriously - had to read it twice, and then sent it to a friend.  A friend, whose opinion I do value, to make sure I wasn't reading something into it. This is what she said after reading the thread......
  • SSNR January 10 at 10:42pm She is a fucking bitch! We've talked about her downward nose turning several times Janet. Delete her!!!! She thinks she's better than you for some gawdly reason. Seriously! I'd delete her in an instant.
  • SSNRJanuary 10 at 10:47pm Oh man I would have told her to fuck off right on her thread, posted the pic like you did and then delete her. You have a lot of rude people you hang onto for some reason.
And, she kinda had this point a long time ago but I guess I let people shit on me a couple of times before deleting them......um, can you say "Door Mat".  Well that shit is changing this year, she was the beginning of getting rid of negative bad energy producting people!

Ok getting back to the story:
I know what some of you might be thinking, "Well how do YOU know it was you she was talking about?".  It was so obvious as to who it was, that even my own mother said, "I saw that".  I responded to her thread and posted a link to the photo she was referring to. Childish as it may have been, I was appalled that she just made me out to be some perverted freak of a mother by calling me "gross".  I wanted her friends who agreed with the post to see the photo she was referring to!  GGGgggggrrrrrrr I am actually mad just typing this out.  I mean seriously, what is missing in her life to make her want to say something so rude about me?  I don't know and at this point I don't even care.  If I never talk to this person again, it would not bother me one teeny tiny bit!

So here is the thread from Facebook.  Again, all names have been abbreviated for privacy reasons.  Here is the thread, as of last night.  Today I deleted her.

LNW: I have really enjoyed most of the snow pictures today...with the exception of the photos a mom took of her son with his girlfriend (gross...keep it between the two of them). It's been fun having a few actual winterish days in south Arkansas. Ready to head back to the slopes for some *real* snow in March. Between now and then, I'll just be dreaming!2 hours ago ·LikeUnlike · Comment · View Feedback (12)Hide Feedback (12)KGS and 2 others like this..
MWR:   Sure, rub it in, doc! LOL about an hour ago · LikeUnlike.
BT:  Haha! I'm so paranoid, I checked to see if TS. had posted pictures of S and A, even though I know she'd never take vulgar photos. (Oh, and Sand A don't pose for risque pictures either, I'd better add.)about an hour ago · LikeUnlike · 1 person GSA likes this.
LNW:   B(T)...lol...I'm glad it wasn't your child. Gyaaa. Nothing wrong with a smooch, but when your mom catches it through the window and posts it on facebook...well, then I see a problem...not with the kids, but with mom. Gross.about an hour ago · LikeUnlike.
 MC:  Ewwww. LOL about an hour ago · LikeUnlike.
KGS:  I guess Im glad I misses it!!! Yikes! about an hour ago · LikeUnlike.
KGS:  (Missed) about an hour ago · LikeUnlike.
KGS:   LoL @ L(NW).... Glad another woman to join me in speaking the mind....was told by a former boss I was brutally honest! My comment, "Well, thank you". He was fired for embezzling city money. Interesting... I don't mind being accused of being honest! Ever! about an hour ago · LikeUnlike.
TL:   Hey girl got a total of 8 inches yesterday and 6 last night here! Would you like me to send it your way? Better yet, come back out and play! about an hour ago · LikeUnlike · 1 person Like
JGG (<----this is me):  wow thanks L(NW) for such nice words about me! (I placed the link to the photo here) Now everyone else can see the inappropriate pictures of my 17 year old son!
Oh, these are the woes of a social network!  Opinions are like mouths....everyone has one and most of the time it is being fed crap! 

I was shocked, she wasn't playing around or kidding! And believe me I am all about "Roasting"(A facetious tribute, in which the honoree is alternately praised and insulted.) but this was no roast!  Maybe it was a joke, but i read and reread and found no joke or roasting.....this was a personal, insulting remark!! 

It hurt my feelings and then it pissed me off.  This person has some of the same friends I do. 
If I valued her opinion or thoughts, then maybe others do too? 
If others do, then are they in "agreeance" with her thoughts about me being a gross mom?
I know, I know I really shouldn't care, but damn it. I felt like some sort of  peeking tom, a sick voyeuristic crazy mother with the way she described me above. I just couldn't believe she thought this photo was out of line for me to take, and I couldn't allow other "friends" to take on her view without seeing the photo.

A little synopsis
yesterday my child got to stay home from school because of the snow storm that came through the state.  My son's girlfriend came over and they both decided to get out in the snow and play.  Well, I love photography and any opportunity to snap a photo I am going to do it!  This was the PERFECT opportunity to capture my son being completely himself.  The kids knew I was taking photos, every once in awhile they would see me standing at the window or I would bang on the window or door to get their attention. 

It was such a great day, why?  Because I saw a side of my son that I had never seen before. I started to see the man he is becoming.  To see my child, my 17 year old son interact with a female was just beautiful.  He was playful and sweet.  Exactly what every 17 year old female wants, and what future women/wives will want.   I was really "seeing" the young man I had raised and it was glorious!  I was chatised for taking a photo of my son kissing his girlfriend.  It was a very sweet moment and at that moment I was a photographer, not a mother.  That moment lasted a fraction of a second, but captured forever through my lens.  There was nothing distasteful about this photo.  I am not to keen on "heavy petting" in front of me.  I know it happens, IT IS NORMAL but I don't have to watch it.  A quick peck on the cheeks or lips is ok!

There was NO tongue....ewwww, that is even nasty to watch an adults do.  Although it is NORMAL, all things normal, ARE NOT PRETTY.......snot, ejaculation, menstrurl cycles, ....etc.  Those may be considered "Gross" but they really aren't, it is just part of life.

We explore our sexuality, our feelings, our emotions through dating.  It is a progressive step in life to figure out who they are, as a man or as a woman.  And if anyone disagrees with this, then "I" feel they have blinders on. We are emotional creatures, we practice our emotions while growing up.  A kiss can tell you so much: I like you, I love you, I want you, thank you, I care about you, I really want to know you better, or Ewww NEVER AGAIN!  My feelings for my husband were confirmed once we kissed for the first time.  To this day I just replay this memory in my head and it still "swoons" me.

I am not a Gross mother, I am not a bad mother, I am not a twisted mother, I am not an abusive mother! 

I am refined mom without rose colored glasses who enjoys seeing the real world through a camera lens!

refined [rɪˈfaɪnd] adj not coarse or vulgar; genteel, elegant, or polite. subtle; discriminating; freed from impurities; purified

Oh and the imfamous kiss photo....


  1. Loved your post! I feel like a star...LOL
    And I still love their picture! It's totally adorable.
    There is really nothing sweeter than the innocence of young love.
    Nothing else in the way. Just going with what you feel.
    You captured that. It's a powerful picture in a lot of ways.
    The people who were criticizing you have no artistic eye and they certainly have no tact. They don't see what the picture represents.

    damn bitches...lol
