Saturday, February 5, 2011

My Butterfly Effect

From the moment I divorced my ex I have always compared my life to the butterfly.  Recently, while watching my dvr of Oprah I was intrigued by her interview with MC Hammer.  He said that he believe in the "butterfly effect". What???  The Butterfly Effect is a freaking movie!!! Then he explained what it ment to him. I thought to myself how beautiful is that!  You mean to tell me there is a real term called "butterfly effect" ?  Well that sparked me to google "butterfly effect what does it mean?" and this is what I found.

The phrase refers to the idea that a butterfly's wings might create tiny changes in the atmosphere that may ultimately alter the path of a tornado or delay, accelerate or even prevent the occurrence of a tornado in a certain location. The flapping wing represents a small change in the initial condition of the system, which causes a chain of events leading to large-scale alterations of events. Had the butterfly not flapped its wings, the trajectory of the system might have been vastly different. Of course the butterfly cannot literally cause a tornado. The kinetic energy in a tornado is enormously larger than the energy in the turbulence of a butterfly. The kinetic energy of a tornado is ultimately provided by the sun and the butterfly can only influence certain details of weather events in a chaotic manner.

Recurrence, the approximate return of a system towards its initial conditions, together with sensitive dependence on initial conditions are the two main ingredients for chaotic motion. They have the practical consequence of making complex systems, such as the weather, difficult to predict past a certain time range (approximately a week in the case of weather).


Isn't this beautiful? 

You don't see that? 
Close your eyes, start thinking about changes in your life that have completely altered your future. 

Some's changes are HUGE (MCHammer), some are incredible (like I feel my life has been), some that are glorious(having a baby getting married), and then there are some are hardly noticable.
**Notice I only chose the positive route and not the negative!!! 

Now place yourself as the butterfly, flapping your wings against your struggles.....your decision and the consquences of your decision determines your life's path, just as the butterfly's wing did for the weather. It becomes a beautiful analogy of how one can and does have the ability to control their life, their path, their future happiness. 

I have been on facebook for two years now, heck it might even be three years.  In those two or three years, friends, family and stranger have "watched"(read) my metamorphosis. Facebook is not only a great social network but a incredible documenation platform.  However, I do remember a time when someone said, "you live your life on facebook" and body did that piss me off.  Honestly, I was insulted!  But now I smile and  reply,  "yeah, I know:".  All the while saying to myself "THANK YOU!!!!"   For living my life out on facebook has really saved my life and started my own butterfly effect.  Facebook has connected me with some of the most beautiful, intelligent, open minded and wonderful strangers (now friends of course) from all over the world,  who have played a big part in my change.  This butterfly effect all started with one decision..........joining  facebook.  Yes, I know facebook has caused many problems for others and has even caused me heartache, but the overall picture is so much greater that for me.

I am so incredibly thankful that I am on the path to happiness! My decision to become happy is what started this blog.  I wanted to use it as a sort of therapy, docu-drama-no holds bar diary.  I wanted my readers to read about my path, my struggles, my feelings.  I honestly, wanted to know where I stood in the "normal" category of life. Thus putting my blog out there openly to the world.  Leaving this blog open allowed for anything!

I may not become a Lecturer at Yale, Oxford or Harvard like MC Hammer, but I feel like I have slowly awaken, discover and even suprise some!  And I am almost certain some are just STILL besides themselves!!  LOL.  I am not a religious person but I am very spiritual.  My life changed for the better because I took control of my own life, my own destiny!  I didn't turn it over to "God".  I simply opened my eyes, my mind, and my heart. I finally opened the the closet door on how I wanted to live MY life!  Funny how a simple changes in myself, my thoughts and stop conforming to everyone elses's views forever changed the way I am now, and will become in the future.

This is MY butterfly effect. 

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