Thursday, December 23, 2010

A Status....errr Blog is Born!

Hello my name is Janet and I am addicted to Facebook. ((insert your response - e.g "Hi, Janet"))
I don't know why I am addicted, don't care why. I just know that I am laughing and vicariously living my life through a social network.  Facebook has just changed me in ways that I find even hard to comprehend....I would even go so far as to saved my life.

So today, at 3:33am on 12/23/2010 A STATUS, errr BLOG IS BORN!!!!!
WEIGHT: it weighs ALOT. Then again, I guess that would depend on who you ask.
LENGTH: anywhere from 0 - 200 comments.  Anymore than that is just too damn much!
APPEARANCES: Can be deceiving!

I promise to keep you open, laughing, questioning, bitching for at least the next 365 days!  ((I hope)). Help me in welcoming this truly pivotal moment as I live my life in statuses.


  1. You are too funny and definitely make FB a happier place...glad to call you my friend!!!
