Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Love Will Keep Us Together....A moment in time.

Well Tonight, I was going to do my blog on my ole' buddy Howard, but then heard the song of my childhood on a movie my husband was watching. I begin blaring out the words to the song and my sweet lil' ol hubby looked a little shocked....why?

1. Maybe he thought I was an amazing singer and was in awe.
2. Maybe he was shocked that I knew the song
3.  Maybe he thought that I sucked and the best response is the "shock & awe" so as not to piss me off!
4. Maybe he likes hearing me sing because that is a happy moment.

I personally think he was amazed that I knew all the lyrics!!  LOL, but honestly, I suck at singing, horrible voice but he always tells me, "I like to hear you sing". (My sub-con speaking again) "Yeah, like I like nails on a chalk board."  I roll my eyes and say, "oh god what is wrong with you man?" Heeeheeee.  All laughing aside my husband looks at me because in that very moment I am happy enough to sing and NOT CARE who is listening!  People sing when they are happy.

How could I not bust out into my best imitation of Tennille and my 10 year old hand motions to "Stop, cause I really love you"?  It was 1975 when the song first came out, but probably 1978 before my mom purchased the 8-track tape of the album.  An album that will forever be a part of my childhood and forever known as my momma's song. When I hear this song, I can close my eyes and see a 10 year old girl and a her 30 year old mother, listening, dancing, singing, and expressing the word "stop" with our hand movements.  Smiling and making faces with the different words. In the livingroom, at the house on Carter Street.  It had to be a Sunday, because we were doing laundry. Dancing around, folding clothes and singing.  And if we didn't like the next song, well we were with in two steps of  hitting the program button to take us to the next song.  Ah, the good old days of 8-track.  Captain and Tennille's "Love Will Keep Us Together" album that brought me and my momma so much joy while doing such a loathed task. Backin the day when the words didn't mean much to me.  The song was just FUN to sing!!!!  

Sometimes it is the simplist things in life that bring memories rushing back. Memories, like wee little babies, they instantly make you smile!  This was the time she was newly married, a new home, a new life had been created, a time where life was looking up, and a happy time existed.  My mom was fun then, for that moment with me, she had not a care in the world,. Where no one else mattered, at that time, but me.  What a wonderful gift life can give....the gift of memory!  And nothing is better than the memories we alone share with our parents. 

So widsom would I like to impart upon you, my readers?  I can think of no one better to quote than Mark Twain who says it "almost" best....

  • "Sing like no one's listening, love like you've never been hurt, dance like nobody's watching, and live like its heaven on earth.” 
And combine with my two cents....."and always take the time to create a memory with your child!  A future smile is guaranteed!"

So heres to my momma.....Love will keep us together!


  1. I always loved Captain and Tennille
    The things in life that bring back Memories of our childhood are just the best

  2. Very meaningful blog. Music has always been the memory reminder for me. It seems music back then had more meaning than it does now. Very good job.
